💡 Today at 9:00 a.m. CET/5:00 p.m. JST, a railway seminar was held organized by Elżanowski & Partners Law Firm and the Embassy of Japan, devoted to the development of relations in the railway sector between Poland and Japan. The seminar is another activity of the Embassy of Japan and representatives of the Polish railway sector as part of deepening cooperation in the field of rail transport.
The speakers in the debate included:
➡️ Filip Elżanowski, managing partner at Elżanowski & Partners,
➡️ Kamio Nobumitsu, First Secretary and Head of the Economic Section of the Japanese Embassy in Poland,
➡️ Marek Kowalski, partner at Elżanowski & Partners,
➡️ dr inż. Ignacy Góra, president, Urząd Transportu Kolejowego,
➡️ Marcin Mochocki, member of the management board – investment implementation director, PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A.,
➡️ Paweł Lisiewicz, member of the management board, PKP S.A.,
➡️ Grzegorz Piotrowski, Railway Subprogramme Director, Centralny Port Komunikacyjny Sp. z o.o.
➡️ Rafał Leszczyński, board member, Izba Gospodarcza Transportu Lądowego.
The online seminar was led by attorney Marek Kowalski, and the speakers were supported by Mr. Tetsuo Hayashi – a Japanese translator, whom we would like to thank for his support and accurate translation.
We would like to thank all speakers for their participation and for the substantive knowledge they provided.