As the world economy develops and becomes more globalised, the number of Japanese entrepreneurs investing in Poland and Polish entrepreneurs working in Japan keeps increasing. Relations between Japan and Poland are very dynamic and include not only various forms of economic cooperation but also tourism and mingling of cultures. While Polish entrepreneurs consider their Japanese partners to be really trustworthy, Japanese investors think highly of the approach to work and involvement of Polish employees and cooperators.
First and foremost, the E&P Law Firm’s Japan Desk supports actions intensifying all forms of cooperation between entities from Poland and Japan. The E&P Law Firm provides comprehensive legal services for Clients operating in all major economic sectors. Our job consists not only in offering the finest quality of legal services provided by the experienced team of specialists but also in actively supporting the development of business ventures and our Clients. We want to creatively use our experience in providing services for Japanese Clients and supporting foreign investments as well as our active cooperation with Japanese law offices by helping our Clients to build bridges between our countries.
However, the E&P Law Firm’s Japan Desk is more than just the professional legal service. We use our knowledge of Japanese culture, including business culture and Japanese language to provide our Clients with a lot of forms of assistance so that they can fully focus on the implementation of their visions.